#the spiral dance

the spiral dance -the dance of life
Some dance to get attention, others feel the inner rhythm and are completely with themselves, mindful and conscious. Others repeat the same movement in one place because they lack the courage to try something new. How do you dance through life?" Gayala Ricoletti 

Welcome to Gayala Ricoletti®!
Systemic coaching and advice on positive living (life coaching) for goddesses like you
As a systemic consultant and coach, I offer you my professional expertise and my experience to support you in your process of positive living and to bring you back into contact with your female roots. My actions are based on expanding your possibilities and those of your systems and promoting your self-organization.
My basic attitude is characterized by appreciation, consideration and respect.
I see you as the expert for you and your life, because you know best what is good for you. The knowledge of your ancestors lies deeply hidden within you. I support your self-knowledge as well as your self-esteem and your self-confidence, because you are worth living your femininity. The motto applies to consulting and coaching: as short as possible, as long as necessary. This means we avoid lengthy processes and you get quick results.
Many of my clients that I have supported over the last 14 years are very satisfied with the results and have developed a completely new perspective on themselves and their lives. Suddenly they can say no better, no longer feel so involved and therefore have more time for their own issues and potential. They have found their true self, I call it "their inner goddess" and are stronger and more mature than ever. If you also want to finally get into your feminine energy, follow your inner goddess and improve your charisma and attitude to life, then call me now. +49-561-7087043

Team management consulting to optimize your self-presentation

As a further offer, you can use my expertise as a team management consultant to present yourself optimally in the application process or as a freelancer.
We work with the support of team management profiling according to Margerison and McCann to discover your work preferences and incorporate them optimally into the interview. You get to know your strengths and change your attitude towards your weaknesses because you orient yourself towards your strengths. You improve your presence and demeanor because you appear congruent and act with integrity, because you know your values, you know how to organize yourself and others, you are aware of how you make decisions, how you deal with other people and how You use information.
You will also develop a much greater understanding of your colleagues in the team and their way of working. You learn to appreciate them more and respect for each other grows.
You will receive detailed, individual and differentiated feedback based on the profile created. Your work preferences, leadership skills, decision-making styles, interpersonal skills, and preferred team-building strategies become visible and meaningful to leaders.
With the team management system, I provide you with a scientifically based instrument that is continually being researched by the Institute of Team Management Studies in Brisbane (Australia), and whose quality is also confirmed by external institutes such as the British Psychological Society.
"In a team in which each individual does a lot of what they like to do, the energy, enthusiasm, commitment and motivation increase many times over - and then a high-performance team is created."
Dr. Charles Margerison and Dr. Dick McCann

The team management model is based on 8 work functions
Inform and advise








If you need more information about team management profiling, contact me: gayala.ricoletti@icloud.com


 As a full member of the professional association German Society for Systematic Therapy, Counseling and Family Therapy, I am committed to complying with the ethical guidelines. This includes mindfulness, respect and appreciation of my clients as well as confidentiality. All communications from clients are treated confidentially in accordance with legal regulations. The documentation of client-related data is carried out in compliance with data protection regulations in accordance with professional standards.

